Central dyehouse supply systems
We offer the following systems for your dyehouse:
- Chemical Dispensing System
- Dyestuff Dissolving & Dosing System
- Powder Dissolving, Storing and Dosing System
- Water Supply System
- No dyestuff dust contamination outside of dyestuff kitchen
- Centralized chemicals store in protected environment
- IBC or original chemical suppliers container can be used and therefore no manual manipulation and dangerous handling in workshop
- “Just in Time” supply, not waiting time at machine and therefore high reproducibility on dyeing process
- Human error elimination
- Permanent hot water availability – shorter heating up time
- No preheating tank at Jet dyeing machine required (less cost, less space)
- High degree of heat recovery and 40% saving of heating energy (steam)
- No hot discharge to effluent treatment plant
- HOST System manages complete dyehouse equipment including the sub systems.
Flyer DyeMaster
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